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School resources request

All of our resources are available to download for free online, but if you would like to request free hard copies of booklets and posters then complete the form below.

School resources request

We will use the information provided to process your resource order. We would also love to keep you updated about new resources, events and opportunities for schools:

Thanks for your interest! We’ll keep your details on file so we can contact you about Concern’s School Programmes. We normally follow up with schools/teachers every one to two years. If you don't want to hear from us anymore, you can update your preferences at any time by contacting us at [email protected]. For further information please see our privacy policy.

Our impact in 2023

15.5 M icon
15.5 M

people reached through our emergency response

9 M icon
9 M

people reached through our health interventions

2.3 M icon
2.3 M

people reached through our livelihoods programmes

Share your concern